Sharing Tools: General and Pedegogy

I didn’t see a place for the shared tools, and I know that even people who didn’t participate in the session want to share some tools . . . so I thought I would post this so that we can share in the comments.


Categories: General |

About Michelle Kassorla

Michelle Kassorla is a Lecturer in the WISE/QEP program at Clark Atlanta University. She has a Ph.D. in Ethnic American Literatures from Bowling Green State University, a Master's Degree in English from Humboldt State University, and a Bachelors in English and Journalism from Bowling Green State University.

2 Responses to Sharing Tools: General and Pedegogy

  1. Here’s the tools I wanted to share: This is a free program for grading, communicating with students, building quizzes that they can take on their smartphone, attach wikis and flashcards, etc. It is a ten-year-old site, so it is VERY STABLE. This is a public bookmarking site. You can bookmark stuff and share it publically. You can also annotate text on websites using Diigo. If you are worried about all the websites you want your students to go to, this is your answer. Set a public dashboard and put all your websites in one place. You can also put “to do” lists up for assignments.

  2. Donna Lanclos says:

    Pete showed us a couple of things from his list at Hybrid Pedagogy, you can find the list here:

    In the session itself we talked about Edmodo, Prezi, and About.Me, but also about the importance of thinking through what these tools do, and why they might be useful (or not) for our teaching practices.

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