culture – THATCamp Southeast 2012 The Humanities and Technology Camp Mon, 12 Mar 2012 13:42:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Less Yack, More Fun. Fri, 09 Mar 2012 15:48:44 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

(Am I allowed to propose more than once?)

Two ideas I had real quick while mainlining THATCampery prior to leaving:

1) One of the things I’ve really begun to value about digital humanities is how I see its potential and overlap in and across contemporary culture. How about a DH CultureJam session – thinking about, sharing and nerding out over cool ways that DH is happening outside of the academy, in the popular culture, journalism, music, art? We don’t have to get all Matrixy here (leave that for THATCamp Theory), but it’d be fun to think outside the echo chamber and indulge and engage our interests as socio-cultural participants.

A few places to start:

SXSW, Gizmodo, BrainPickings, Bjork, Rhizome, Tumblr/Pinterest, #dhmusic

2) Don’t know if this has even been done either; what if we picked up on a conversation that happened at a previous THATCamp and continued it in a session here? Or, what if we traced a theme through multiple Camps, harvested (copy/paste) their GDocs, and began to create a THATCamp historiography/bibliography? Could we DO something in a session that would be of value to the larger community?

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